Monday, February 25, 2013

Busy Bee

I haven't been in to update for a few days. I have been super busy!!  I get weeks like this where I am constantly on the go for several days, then it settles down a bit. I am so glad. I am not sure how I would handle it if I didn't have a day to rest in there somewhere. I was really in a lot of pain last night.

My knee started to hurt Tuesday night. I usually blame the weather. My last winter in Canada, I slipped on ice and hyper extended both knees. Since then one or the other of my knees would give me issues, especially if there was a change in weather, and our weather this past week has been a roller coaster.  On Friday, because both Kris and I were in a bit of a hurry, we decided to do a short yoga class, standing. I agreed to do what I could with a sore knee, and interestingly enough, it didn't hurt much at all. I even did some tree poses, and balanced for a few seconds. Yay!! I can balance for a few seconds!!  Where it started to hurt was doing a few of the stretches.  So we stopped when the knee said to. It was all fine.

I spent quite a bit of time on cement on Saturday and on Sunday I went shopping for flooring at Lowe's and then to an open house and then grocery shopping. Lowe's kills me. I do not have to walk far in their store before I hurt, even when I don't have any pre-existing pain. I don't want to come down hard on Lowe's, I think its any big warehouse type store that would do it to me. And then to do two other things after that.. well last night I was not walking very well. My knee hurt to put any weight on it at all. I hobbled to bed early and slept through the night, woke up this morning and it was fine. I am physically very tired today, and today is a rest day, just doing a bit of laundry, the yoga I didn't get done yesterday, and if I feel up to it later I will do some prep work for the renovations.  Maybe some computer work.  But I was very tired so I got up and sat down. And while I was sitting my knee started aching. When I got up and did some moving around again, the pain subsided.  I don't know what is going on with this knee. Tomorrow I go to alt med. Maybe Randy will have an idea.

 On Wednesday I had a horrible horrible headache. It felt like a detox headache. In natural health, when you draw toxins from your cells into the blood stream to be removed from your body through kidneys, bowels, skin and lungs, utilizing the lymph system,  sometimes you get sick. Often you get these headaches. Or at least, I do.  I haven't done anything differently to cause any extra detoxing in my body except the yoga. I know that yoga can realign your body's energy meridians and open up chakras and such, so I wondered if it can have a detox effect, so I asked Kris and she told me she believed it can.
I also went searching and I found this site  Yoga Detox. So what we are doing, even the modified version, is getting those systems moving in my body and getting some detoxification happening.  I look forward to some day being able to do the other detox poses she talks about in the article. (I do a modified version of downward dog now).  For now, what we are doing is obviously doing some work on that part of my healing now. Pushing it is not necessarily what I want to do. Too much detoxing at one time can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. And if the elimination organs aren't functioning at 100% too much detox can cause blockages there.

Last night I had a huge coughing spell. Still not completely over the crud, and Saturday night I spent quite a lot of time outside so yesterday I did a LOT of coughing.  When I didn't know if I would be able to stop coughing last night, I did yoga breathing. It stopped the coughing enough for me to get to sleep, and then I slept well. So YAY for yoga!!  All the good its doing for me, and its only been just over two weeks. :)


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